What is the difference between the FCA and the condominium associations?
The Fairlington Condominium Associations and the Fairlington Court Home Owners’ Association are responsible for the governance and maintenance of their respective properties. FCA, as a civic association, is responsible for the civic well-being of Fairlington and concerns itself with civic interests including education, public spaces, streetscapes, transportation, police protection, etc.
Who belongs to the FCA?
All residents of Fairlington, whether they own or rent, and all non-resident owners are automatically members of the FCA.
Does it cost anything to belong to the FCA?
At present there are no membership dues, but contributions (which are non-tax deductible) are always welcome. Contributions can be mailed to the FCA, PO Box 6182 Arlington, VA 22206-0182, or delivered in person to the FCA monthly meetings which are held on the second Wednesday of each month (except for August).
How does the FCA represent me?
The FCA is represented on the Arlington County Civic Federation and the Alexandria Federation of Civic Associations. In addition, the FCA is the point of contact for Arlington County and the City of Alexandria, and speaks for the community on issues of importance to Fairlington.
When does the FCA Executive Board meet?
Monthly meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Fairlington Community Center, 3308 S. Stafford Street. Notification of regular meetings or changes to the meeting schedules appear in the All Fairlington Bulletin and on this website.
Can I vote on issues at the Board Meeting?
FCA members vote to elect officers and directors to the Board at the Annual Meeting and on publicly noticed issues of importance to Fairlington residents (e.g., traffic calming, neighborhood conservation planning, etc.). Otherwise only members of the Executive Board have the right to vote at meetings.
I would like to run for the FCA Executive Board. What do I do?
Attend FCA meetings to find out what the association is all about. When you see the call for candidates in the All Fairlington Bulletin, follow the instructions for responding to the Nominating Committee. Alternatively, you may have someone nominate you, or you may nominate yourself, from the floor at the Annual Meeting in December.
I am a renter. Can I run for the Board?
Yes, all Fairlington owners and residents are eligible to run for positions on the FCA Executive Board.
My condominium association refused my variance request. Can I appeal my case to the FCA?
No, the FCA’s bylaws specifically prohibit the association from interfering with the governance of the individual condominium associations.
How do I get attention for an issue that I believe affects the entire Fairlington community?
Speak to a Board member, send an e-mail, or leave a voicemail for the FCA. You can also write a letter to the editor of the All Fairlington Bulletin. All letters will be considered for publication. However, the AFB reserves the right to refuse or edit letters, depending on content, expression, and length.
How can I become a delegate to the Arlington or Alexandria civic organizations?
The FCA president appoints delegates and alternates to both civic organizations. Let the president know you’re interested in being a delegate.
How can I learn about the history of Fairlington?
The Fairlington Historical Society provides information on the history of Fairlington and the process leading to listing in the National Register of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmarks Register.