FCA Swag: T-Shirts and Ornament

Fairlington Commemorative Ornament

The FCA and Fairlington Historical Society (FHS) are taking online orders for this special brass-plated ornament to commemorate Fairlington’s 75th anniversary in 2018. The ornament is $15.

Place your order below using PayPal or a credit card. Pick up your order at the Fairlington Villages Management Office, 3001 S. Abingdon St.,  Monday-Friday (8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.) and Saturday (9:00 a.m. – 2 p.m.). The office is closed on Sundays and all Federal holidays. Click on the Buy Now button to order through PayPal.


Fairlington T-Shirts

Check out the latest fashion to hit the neighborhood: These 100% cotton t-shirts have “Fairlington” on the front and the FCA logo on the back. Sizes range from adult small to extra-large and come in white and hunter green. Childrens’ sizes are also now available. The shirts sell for $15, and you can order by e-mailing president@fca-fairlington.org or calling the FCA at 571-403-1943 to leave your name and phone number. Cash and checks (payable to Fairlington Citizens Association) are welcome. Shirts will be available for sale at FCA monthly meetings, FCA-sponsored social events, and upon request. Show your civic pride and get yours today!

Fairlington Architect’s Map Reproduction—Now Available

Perhaps you have noticed the sepia toned map of the Fairlington community hanging in the North Fairlington Community Center. The original map was probably prepared c. 1943 by the architect Kenneth Franzheim for the Defense Homes Corporation and subsequently revised for Fairmac, the firm that managed the post-World War II rental community from 1947-1972. The map was updated by CBI Fairmac, the firm that
oversaw its conversion to condominiums in 1972-1978, and later revised by the Fairlington Historical Society (FHS) to better define the villages. FHS is now making 36” x 24” reproductions available for purchase for $50 each, postage included. Go to fairlingtonhistoricalsociety.org and select ‘Publications and Tours.’ Download the ‘Fairlington Architect’s Map’ order form and mail your form and check to FHS,
2776 Arlington Mill Drive, #150, Arlington, VA 22206.