FCA created a new nonprofit organization, Fairlington Cares, Inc., to serve people in the general Fairlington area. Here are some FAQs about the new entity.
A working group of residents and Fairlington Cares directors, two of whom serve on the FCA board, met virtually at the end of January 2021 to discuss the mission, vision, and scope of the nonprofit. It was the first of several anticipated meetings that will take place over the next few months. The group is led by Sam Wolbert, President and CEO of the Animal Welfare League of Arlington (AWLA). Sam served two years on the FCA board before stepping down at the end of 2020. Members recognized that Fairlington Cares should not be duplicative of existing larger nonprofits or programs, but could act as a first response. The members of the strategic plan working group bring a variety of perspectives and significant community leadership to the effort. They are Guy Land, Jennifer Davies, Jenifer Hornbeck, Jeff Kost, Mike McGinn, Deb Staren-Doby, and Nancy O’Brien.
At its organizational meeting in July 2020, the following officers were elected: Guy Land, president; Jennifer Davies, secretary-treasurer; and Michael McGinn, vice president. A short online survey launched in early May 2020 showed broad support for the idea.
This new 501(c)(3) non-profit organization is intended to be a vehicle for Fairlington residents to contribute to help meet the needs of residents in the general Fairlington area (including Abingdon Elementary families and Park Shirlington residents). Although the COVID impacts are the immediate impetus for this, the organization would have the ability to respond in a specific and targeted ways to address neighbor and neighborhood needs in future years, such as storms or natural disasters, fires, government shutdowns, and major emergencies.
The Fairlington non-profit would not seek to supplant other charitable organizations serving the area. Rather, it would partner with other organizations, including county offices, that are seeking to address these needs and thus hope to attract further resources to our area. The non-profit would be volunteer led and exist primarily on contributions from neighbors in Fairlington.